Crons are what set up time-based jobs in your account. Crons allow you to have simple commands or scripts-run at a scheduled time. cPanel has the capacity for a easy-to-use feature to be used in the setting up of crons. 

Accessing the CronJobs Application

After you have accessed your cPanel account you will need to click on the 'Cron Jobs' application under the 'Advanced' section. You can also find this application using the 'Search' function. 

Setting up an email address for the cron job

Once you've clicked on the 'Cron Jobs' application you'll be able to set an email address you would like to have updated whenever the cron job runs. If you don't want an email sent each time a cron runs you can set the following command in the cron's ouput in your script: mycommand >/dev/null 2>&!

Input script and cron scheduling

Here you're able to choose common settings from the drop down menu, Here you can also choose the hour, day, month, and weekday schedule individually. At the bottom you can also inut the command or script that you wold like to have run (e.g. sh /user/public_html?testscript sh or rm -rf/user/public_html/tmp/*)

Now click 'Add New Cron Job'

Once you've added the cron you can then set your active crons at the bottom of the page, and you can then edit, or delete them as required. 

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