This article covers some useful scripts built into cPanel!

cPanel Update


This script will check for any discrepancies between your current cPanel installation and the most recent update. After running the script, this should fix any issues with any corrupt or missing cPanel installation files, and can resolve a wide variety of issues that you may encounter in cPanel. Keep in mind, that this script can take a while to run, so you will likely want to only run a cPanel update during off-peak hours. cPanel updates generally run automatically around midnight. You can also 'force' and upcp, which will do a clean update of cpanel:

/scripts/upcp --force

Packaging and Restoring Accounts

cPanel has a script to package accounts into a .tar.gz file if you ever want to easily create a manual backup for one of your account, from your home directory simply run:

/scripts/pkgacct [USER]

If you wish to restore an account, you can use the following script:

/scripts/restorepkg [USER]

This will grab a backup for the user from the home directory, however, there may be times where  you need to define a specific backup you wish to restore from, you can do this by putting the file path to the backup after the user name:

/scripts/restorepkg [USER] /path/to/backup.tar.gz

Statistics and Quotas

This script will run statistics for all accounts on the server if you wish to have them updated immediately:


This script can take a while to run, so you will likely want to only run during off-peak hours.

If you want to run stats for a single user, you can run the following:

/scripts/runweblogs [USER]

And finally, if you are seeing any issues or discrepancies with quotas or statistics, this script can resolve some issues:


Once again, this script can take a while to run, so you will likely want to only run during off-peak hours.

Service Updates

Sometimes you may wish to update a specific service if you are encountering a problem, the following scripts can be used to update a few common services:

/scripts/courierup    - Updates the courier mail server

/scripts/dovecotup    - Updates the dovecot mail server

/scripts/eximup    - Updates the exim mail exchanger

/scripts/ftpup    - Updates the FTP servers (proFTP and pure-FTP)

Restarting Services

Finally, sometimes if you are encountering an issue with a service, all it requires is a simple reboot. Here is a list of some common commands for restarting services.

service httpd restart    - This will restart the Apache service

service mysql restart    - This will restart the MySQL service

service pureftpd restart    - Restart the FTP server if you are running pure-FTP

service proftpd restart    - Restart the FTP server if you are running proFTP

service courier restart - Restart the Mail server if you are running Courier

service dovecot restart    - Restart the Mail server if you are running Dovecot

service exim restart    - Restart the Exim mail exchanger

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