Des articles

Add Custom Nameserver to your WebGo Domain

Login to your SNAPSE account at Click on (find correct link text)...

Add or remove an alias domain in cPanel

Log in to your cPanel: Click on “Aliases” under the Domains...

Assigning a dedicated IP to a domain in Plesk

Login to your Plesk control panel and click on 'subscriptions'  On the next page either search...

Assigning an IP to a domain in WHM

The following tutorial applies to VPS & Dedicated Server clients.  If you are using a legacy...

Clearing your DNS cache

Your DNS cache stores the locations (IP addresses) of web servers that contain web pages which...

DNS Made Easy

DNS stands for 'Domain Name System' and provides end-users access and the ability to visit their...

Documentation on DNS

DNS Documentation Domain Name System or DNS is a naming system that utilises information with...

Expediting Propagation Time

This article covers the subject of expediting propagation time. Updating DNS nameserver records...

How to Disable Mod-Security for a Single Domain
How to assign a domain to a dedicated ip in WHM

Only VPS & Dedicated Server clients will be able to use this article. If you are on a Legacy...

How to find nameservers for your nameserver
How to use advanced DNS zone editor

WebGo has provided the following article as a reference to the most essential records you will...

How to use edit DNS zone

WebGo has provided a reference for the most essential records you will come across.  Domain Name...

To remove an alias domain

Log in to your cPanel: Click on “Aliases” under the Domains...

Transfer an addon domain to its own cpanel account

The following article documents how to transfer an Addon Domain to its own cPanel account.  This...

Updating a records at the registrar level for domain registered with WebGo
cPanel addon and parked domains

This tutorial covers how to work with cPanel Addon and Parked Domains. Th cPanel and WHM system...